Candy Orca Dragons



SashaWS can be found at @FurAffinity @Weasyl




Avril Astralia is originally a laquine dragon who was known for her bizarre ways of conserving her prey, but after Luve had her nipple rings placed on Avril, the dragoness' mind was broken and after exposure for long enough, she allowed/demanded herself to be turned into a Candy Orca Dragon. She is now considering herself the pet of Luve and still keeps her wife Talia/Taliatsune close even after their change to the new sweet appearance. Avril Astralia is also the first alcoholic Candy Orca Dragon.



Hekau is the not-so-ancient COD who was one of the first CODs ever made, but was thrown out of the tasty parts of the world due to her sourness and instead she created her own realm to reign over, called Candy Hell by its discoverer.



This lovely girl was found in the official Orca Dragon lab by two curious youngsters. She is seen often as the huntress of the group and also prides herself on her high intellect, often making her help with scientific research.