Candy Orca Dragons

First it started out with just Cordite and Selene. For how Cordite came to this design, see The Beginning

Cordite used an incomplete ref sheet in progress from Master Notorious to commission Freckles for a while, then Selene wanted to try it out too.

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By Freckles; Featuring: Cordite, Selene #

Then Keggy and Becky joined in, as they found the alternative design to be interesting and fun. Each were pretty close to their original character designs.

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By Freckles; Featuring: Keggina, Cordite, Selene, Becky #

At this point, a group page was made and an application process was started.


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By Freckles; Featuring: Thirash (Discontinued), Alice, Keggina, Cordite, Selene, Becky, Daffodil, Sam #

This was a bit trickier to handle, so we tried a bulk / batch / block of commissions, set up by Cordite but still between Freckles and the individual paying commissioners. It had to be broken up into two canvases.

At the end of 2016, there were 10, 8 are above.

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By Freckles; Featuring: Radin, Selyroth, Angelina, Sora, Coltron, Reqiuem #
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By Freckles; Featuring: Luve, Centbair, Shiarah, Seastone, Kazu, Cactus #

This bulk / batch / block of commissions brought 12 more, bringing it up to 22 members

From then on, group / bulk / block commissions weren't attempted at this scale as it was troublesome, stressful, and lead to inconsistencies in the species design.


Near the beginning before the group picture in 2016, Delta joined in with a couple individual pictures, one of them referencing Cordite, Selene, and Keggy.

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By Squid Squad; Featuring: Delta #

Vel was created by a friend of Cordite to join in a comic sponsored by Cordite

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By Naughty Morg; Featuring: Vel #

At some point Amy snuck in too but wasn't added to any of the pictures.

There's your 22 characters accounted for

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By Freckles; Featuring: Amy #

Somewhere around here Luna wanted to jump in and got on a cheap YCH. Their colors weren't really refined yet so it changed a few times until it ended up as purple, yellow, white, and black.

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By GiaZeries; Featuring: Luna #

Kazu got into the community, drew themselves after being drawn by Freckles, and then was commissioned to draw Crystiana.

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By Cherry.Paws; Featuring: Crystiana #

Riku drew themselves

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By Amber Quartz; Featuring: Riku #

Requiem brought along Minty

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By Miku Wiku; Featuring: Minty #

Luca, Chantelle found the group too

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By Juzztice; Featuring: Luca #
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By Jesoran; Featuring: Chantelle Redwood #

Erika and Lur wanted to join as pets of Cordite

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By Master Notorious; Featuring: Erika #
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By Master Notorious; Featuring: Lur #

At this point, it seemed like the group's interest started to explode.

There were 31 now.

Self Drawn

Several artists began to draw themselves after applying. As artists, each of them received fast application reviews.

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By Egypt Urnash; Featuring: Peganthyrus #
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By Soldiaura; Featuring: Kamindori #
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By Berrywoof; Featuring: Kawaii #

Minty is also self drawn, but came before artists drawing themselves to join became more common.

Then one night Peganthyrus took a joke in the group chat and made it a reality, a male candy orca dragon themed after coffee.

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By Egypt Urnash; Featuring: Creme #

Suddenly 35

More Individuals

Luve's owner decided to get a second! Avril

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By MizukiThia; Featuring: Avril #

And with Avril, came Avril's wife: Taliatsune

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By MizukiThia; Featuring: Taliatsune #

Danny, a long time chatter with Cordite drew themselves, and then with encouragement, Noxia a gut-loving Crux came too.

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By Danny; Featuring: Danny #
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By Danny; Featuring: Noxia #

Daniella wished to join and commissioned Kazu

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By Cherry.Paws; Featuring: Daniella #

40 characters

Suddenly Cactus's owner decided to get a second too: Melancholy. Cordite worked with the artist to make this a base for future ref commissions.

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By MizukiThia; Featuring: Melancholy #

That prep came in hand as Ayre, a friend of Becky, finally made the leap.

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By MizukiThia; Featuring: Ayre #

Molly then came out of no where, a fan of Cordite but also wanting a different relationship with Cordite as daughter. Much of Molly's design was co-developed by Cordite.

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By Xavier; Featuring: Molly #

Elena managed to find someone to request art from, and luckily the artist abided by Cordite's new character process.

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By T-ace_juice; Featuring: Elena #

Gabe, who has many characters and alt-forms of characters, got Graven through with Vene

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By Vene; Featuring: Graven #

Then Vene wanted one of their own too with their name 'Bella', the design being also partly by Cordite.

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By Vene; Featuring: Bella #

Cordite and Luve took the dive together and developed candy satan, or Hekau. The theme being anubis like, name and symbol chosen from hieroglyphs and so on.

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By MizukiThia 2019-06-04; Featuring: Hekau #

Azura, who applied long ago in 2016 came back and made her penguin into a candy orca dragon

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By MizukiThia 2019-06-07; Featuring: Azura #

Haquika was orginally going to be drawn by Zeta, but instead got drawn by Zeta's mate: Lady drasami

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By Lady Drasami 2019-06-18; Featuring: Haquika #

A long time friend of Cordite, back from the pony days in fact, makes a comeback with Mallow!

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By Fiishu; Featuring: Mallow #

And then there were 50!

Daniella's mate, Shani joined too

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By Cherry.Paws; Featuring: Shani #

Silva joined in

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By Xavier 2019-07-06; Featuring: Silva #

Stelvia the chastity candy soon after

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By Vene 2019-07-09; Featuring: Stelvia #

Becky brought over Remus

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By MizukiThia 2020-01-30; Featuring: Remus #

Rosie snuck in from snake land

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By Xavier 2020-05-17; Featuring: Rosie #

The ever dominating Valeriya arrived

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By Xavier 2020-07-20; Featuring: Valeriya #

and then the mushroom

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By Dracoshroob 2020-08-21; Featuring: Dracoshroob Runeclaw #

And lately

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By Xavier 2021-10-12; Featuring: Yoranda #